This notice is a reminder for our FINAL FANTASY XI players to never disclose your PlayOnline ID or password to anyone other than an authorized PlayOnline Information Center representative, and to never enter your PlayOnline ID or password anywhere on the web other than the official website. Even then, be sure to check the URL of any page in your browser asking you to do this.
Also note that no Square Enix representative (Gamemaster (GM) staff included) will ever ask you to provide your ID or Password from within a game or via e-mail, nor will Square Enix ever ask you to input your account information into a website outside the domain. No matter what any given third party might ask you do, you should never input your account information into a website outside that domain.
*The only exception is when dealing directly with a PlayOnline Information Center representative. You may be asked for your PlayOnline ID or registration code in such cases.
Keep your data safe! Keep your PlayOnline ID and Password secure!